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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Schools, TV and Children’s Implicit and Explicit Attitudes to Food

Published: May 27, 2020


Ruzica Brecic, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business; Dario Cvenček, University of Washington/ Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences; Matthew Gorton, Newcastle University Business School; Sun?ana Piri Rajh, Faculty of Economic and Business - University of Zagreb; Miroslav Mandi?, Faculty of Economic and Business - University of Zagreb; Irena Pandža Bajs, Faculty of Economics and Business - University of Zagreb; Tanja Komarac, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics & Business


Explicit attitude; Implicit attitude; Children


This paper considers the nature and interrelationships between primary school children’s implicit and explicit attitudes to food. Data were collected in 15 Croatian schools (n=1356 children; ages 5-10). Measurement of implicit attitudes occurred using a child-friendly adaptation of the Implicit Association Test (Ch-IAT). The analysis identifies the determinants of these attitudes, considering the impact of television viewing and school gardens. Children self-report they like unhealthy foods more than healthy foods (explicit attitude), but implicitly children overall associate healthy food with being tasty, an association which was stronger with older children. Regarding determinants, we find that television viewing increases the appeal of unhealthy foods, while the presence of a school garden appears to have no significant effect. Both implicit and explicit measures predicted higher recent consumption of healthy foods and beliefs about healthy foods making one strong.


This paper is based on research undertaken in the frame of the Horizon 2020 Project Strength2Food (No.678024 )